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A WAR STORY - THE STORY OF MAJOR BEN WHEELER AND THE KINKASEKI POW CAMP - From the National Film Board of Canada, this moving film was produced and directed by Anne Wheeler. It is based on the diaries of her father, Canadian doctor Ben Wheeler, written during his internment in the infamous Japanese prisoner-of-war camp at Kinkaseki Taiwan during World War II. This feature-length docudrama is a glowing account of the spirit and the will to survive physical and mental suffering. The film is comprised of newsreel footage, interviews and dramatic re-enactments. Time 81mins 50 sec.
Allied POWS Under the Japanese - This is a site developed by the late Roger Mansell for the study of Allied POWs under the Japanese in WWII. The site contains POW camp lists with links to camp details, rosters, and photographs for most of the POW camps all across Asia. It has a lot of articles of interest for POW research."
C.O.F.E.P.O.W. - Children (& Families) of the Far East Prisoners of War - UK
FEPOW Community - An excellent site dealing with many issues pertaining to the Far East POWs. It hosts a forum where those with questions on the FEPOWs, and those looking for information about relatives who were FEPOWs can turn for help.
FEPOW DAY - This site has been set up to promote August 15th as a day of remembrance for all those who were held as Japanese Prisoners of War during World War II, whatever nationality, colour or religion, whether service personnel, civilian or romusha.
FEPOW Memorial Church - This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who perished in Japanese prisoner of war and internment camps during World War II, ..and to all those who survived but are no longer with us. The church is located in Wymondham, Norfolk, UK.
The Java FEPOW Club 1942 - The Java FEPOW Club 1942 is now the largest and only remaining Nationwide FEPOW Club in the UK, with many worldwide members as well. The club's aim is to ensure that the FEPOW experience is never forgotten, and that the men who suffered and died as POWs in the Far East in WWII will always be remembered and honoured, Their goals are to provide all remaining FEPOWs, wives and widows with camaraderie through newsletters, reunions and gatherings throughout the year, and to provide welfare advice, assistance and access to FEPOW specific grants when needed.
Japanese-POW Web Site - The purpose of this web site is to assist the many descendants of American ex-POWs who want to learn more about their relative that was a POW of the Japanese.
Prisoner of War Camps - Japan - This site by Wes Injerd has a great deal of information relating to the Japanese POW camps in Japan, particularly on the island of Kyushu, and the men who were interned in them. This includes the former Taiwan POWs who were moved to Japan in the late stages of the war.
AMERICAN DEFENDERS OF BATAAN & CORREGIDOR - Our purpose is to bring together WWII veterans who were POWs of the Japanese and assist the families of those men who were killed in action or died in captivity, as they try to learn more about their loved ones.
POW Research Network Japan - This site is run by a Japanese group of volunteer researchers. Contains a complete roster of Allied POWs who died in Japan - some having come from Taiwan POW camps.
ASIA WAR GRAVES - From the former Asia War Graves Photo Group comes the new ASIA WAR GRAVES site. Run by former AWGPG team member Tony Buckley, it is dedicated to supplying good quality photos of war graves and names on the various memorials from the war cemeteries located all across Asia - FREE OF CHARGE - to veterans, family members, relatives, researchers and historians – with the sole aim of keeping the memory of those veterans alive, so that present and future generations will not forget the sacrifices they have made so far from home. The site contains information on thousands of grave photos and names on the memorials from 17 countries across Asia, and in addition, videos of the cemeteries are available on You-Tube.
British War Graves - War Graves Photographs - An excellent organization with a website offering thousands of FREE British and Commonwealth war grave and memorial photos worldwide. Founded and operated for over 10 years by Mick McCann in the UK, the site provides free photos for almost all the world’s war cemeteries and more.
THE COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION - The Commonwealth War Graves Commission pays tribute to the 1,700,000 men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars. An excellent site to search for details of Commonwealth war dead.
American Battle Monuments Commission - The ABMC commemorative mission is reflected in 24 overseas military cemeteries that serve as resting places for almost 125,000 American war dead; on Tablets of the Missing that memorialize more than 94,000 U.S. servicemen and women; and through 25 memorials, monuments and markers. An excellent site to search for details of American war dead.
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